Category Archives: Science Concepts
Choosing Fun Learning Activities For Your Kids
With the hustle and bustle of daily life you can easily allow your kids to play with whatever they want – and it may not necessarily be age appropriate. Choosing Fun Learning Activities For Your Kids doesn’t mean they have to be restricted to only playing when you have time though.
After reading an article in box4kids on blogspot I was inspired to consider a list of great education toys and games that do not necessarily mean you have to participate ALL the time.
Building with...
Learning Science Concepts Can Be Fun And Easy
Quite often the task of teaching science to any child let alone one with special needs can sound daunting. But learning science concepts can be fun and easy. The best method to teaching any child science is to challenge the concepts they have already developed. It not only heightens their curiosity to understand but increases their concentration and development of language to ask questions or explain why.
One simple activity I found that is quick and easy to prepare for and won’t break...
Lesson Activities for Autumn
When the weather starts to turn, particularly in Autumn, it is a great time to teach kids about weather, seasons, time and change.
The air is getting colder but warmer days can still linger so while teaching your child the vocabulary of all the clothing as they need it is a great way to explain the change of season’s weather and the way it makes us feel.
The leaves on trees are also changing and this is great way to help children understand the growth cycle of a tree or the cycle of...
Become a Weather Man
With the change of seasons comes various weather and is a great time to increase a child’s vocabulary or understanding of weather through natural curiosity. Here is a list of science activities that can be done in the home or classroom.
It’s Raining, it’s Flooding:
Using a sandpit with building blocks and toy cars etc create the scene of a town around a stream or river. At one end of the river create a dam or levy bank using the blocks and sand. With watering cans start to...