Category Archives: Numeracy
At Afternoon Snack Time
When your child comes home from school or wants a snack – rather than you ‘do it all’ get them involved. Locating items in the fridge or cupboard is ‘sorting’. Gathering items to make the snack is ‘organising’. These are the same skills required in the classroom to help them learn how to order letters into words for reading and sorting items to count. Obviously the skills we learn later in the work place have to start somewhere – so starting early
Play is the Best Brain Power
A lot of research has been done on the effect of exercise on our children’s intellects. A study published in 1997 by The Journal of School Health showed that intense physical activity programs had positive impacts on academic achievement. We now frequently see in schools the morning start with ‘Health Hussles’ before the best part of the learning day starts in the classroom. Because it was found exercise increased our concentration, social interaction behaviours, and improved...
Had enough of beading???
Next time you need to help your child learn patterns, instead of getting the beads and thread out, why not have ready different coloured pieces of fruit and wooden scewers? This could help motivate your child to try different fruit and you prepare a dessert or snack for later. Other language that could be covered while learning patterns with this activity is the description of some of the pieces of fruit, eg soft, hard, mushy, juicy, , round, red, etc…