Category Archives: Arts & Crafts

Choosing Fun Learning Activities For Your Kids

With the hustle and bustle of daily life you can easily allow your kids to play with whatever they want – and it may not necessarily be age appropriate. Choosing Fun Learning Activities For Your Kids doesn’t mean they have to be restricted to only playing when you have time though. After reading an article in box4kids on blogspot  I was inspired to consider a list of great education toys and games that do not necessarily mean you have to participate ALL the time. Building with...

Develop Language with Puppet Play

One of the best ways a child can develop language about themselves and the world around them is through puppet play. It is highly motivating, can be kept very inexpensive and relieve some performance pressure since your child isn’t so much focused on producing or retrieving the language. Puppets can be created from material scraps, odd socks and buttons – just about anything around the house can be turned into a motivating language tool. Even using your child’s favorite soft...

Lesson Activities for Autumn

When the weather starts to turn, particularly in Autumn, it is a great time to teach kids about weather, seasons, time and change. The air is getting colder but warmer days can still linger so while teaching your child the vocabulary of all the clothing as they need it is a great way to explain the change of season’s weather and the way it makes us feel. The leaves on trees are also changing and this is great way to help children understand the growth cycle of a tree or the cycle of...

Creating Crunchy Autumn Craft

This leaf crunching activity is a great alternative to doing leaf rubbings after collecting assorted leaves. It is created in much the same way as sand art pictures. Besides leaves you will also need paper, pencils or crayons, PVA glue (preferably with a squeeze nozzle), bowl, baking tray. 1. First collect brittle leaves as these will break up easily. 2. Place them in a bowl and scrunch them up into small pieces. This is a great opportunity to talk about ‘sound’ words such as...

Become a Weather Man

With the change of seasons comes various weather and is a great time to increase a child’s vocabulary or understanding of weather through natural curiosity. Here is a list of science activities that can be done in the home or classroom. It’s Raining, it’s Flooding: Using a sandpit with building blocks and toy cars etc create the scene of a town around a stream or river. At one end of the river create a dam or levy bank using the blocks and sand. With watering cans start to...

Creative Ways For Your Kids’ Santa Letter…

Remember when your parents would ask you to write a letter for Santa – listing all the things you wanted for Christmas? You might have asked for the latest toy maybe… or a new shirt or dress…or maybe even a bicycle with the fancy pedals and bell. Writing a letter to Santa is an exciting activity and  a great opportunity to teach kids the organization of writing a letter and creating lists e.g. where to place the ‘To, From, Address’ etc. For younger children or those with low writing...

Halloween Craft & Cooking Ideas

Here are some great ideas for craft or cooking activities in the classroom or home this Halloween. Instead of buying a heap of lollies how about trying your hand at some of these. Not only is it cost saving but a great learning activity to do with the children. Listing what they need, gathering the items, organising and preparing, following the steps in order – these are just some of the tasks they’ll be required to do! Don’t forget to mention the social interaction and fine...

Learning Is Fun With Playdough

Playing with playdough is a highly motivating way to help kids build new concepts. It’s also a great way to keep the kids occupied and out of your hair while trying to do the household chores during the school break. Not only is Playdough a very cost effective activity but it also has many other benefits to playing with it. A physical benefit is that it strengthens fingers, wrists and hands as a pre-writing skill. It is great for the imagination and creative juices because playdough can...